Posts tagged as:


Timing is Everything, Especially with Respect

October 5, 2010

Timeliness is a huge issue with me. I have a hurry-up-and-wait philosophy because I feel like if I’m going to do something, I should be there in time to do it. We also know that being on time is a sign of respect to your host or with whomever you’re meeting. But what about the […]

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Mark: Why Ruin it for the Rest of Us?

September 27, 2010

The Social Network is opening soon. I’m going to see this movie, but it kind of makes me mad that I’ll be going to see it. Facebook and all it’s drama seems to represent the end of the Gen Y spectrum that makes me shudder. Mark, you drive me crazy. There are a lot of […]

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Does Being Pro-Corporate Make Me a Joiner?

August 24, 2010

I like structure. I like learning from people who have come before me. As I like to say, “I can think outside of the box, but there needs to be a box.” That’s why I enjoyed my time in the corporate world. Sure, there were days that are a little frustrating, but that’s how it […]

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Don’t Even Talk to Me about the Trophy

March 23, 2010

I was a ballerina growing up. Sure, I played a number of other sports, but anywhere from 4-16 hours a week was spent in a dance studio. I was never in a location long enough to compete, so the “competition” moments for me would be at the annual dance recital. I’d be a part of […]

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Lessons I’m Learning from Being an Adviser and Teacher

January 27, 2010

Many of you know that I used to advise a sorority chapter at American University. Since moving to Minnesota, I’ve been working with high school students through a Sunday school class. I don’t know why I love it, but working with those just a few years younger than me is always fulfilling. And then again, a […]

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Bring in the Executioner

January 12, 2010

I’m not talking about the guy with the axe, though I would assume that the Executioner should be just as threatening. Nope, I’m talking about the guy you want on your team to get shit done. He may be in the background to every big project your leadership initiates. He probably knows the ins and […]

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Building Your Marketing Tool Kit

December 8, 2009

**The below post is featured on the Minnesota Chapter of the American Marketing Association Blog. I may not be able to speak for most marketing executives, but in my experience, there are some attributes your team needs to have to be successful. Some of these may be no brainers, but you should always be looking […]

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Who’s Your Customer: Regulars or Visitors?

October 28, 2009

The other day I was in a Starbucks. Nothing really unusual, I love my Starbucks. This is a new Starbucks for me, one that I’ve never been to before. It’s one that stands alone and has a drive-through. Since cars were wrapped around the building and lining up in the adjoining parking lot, I thought […]

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Is it Bad to be like Elle Woods in the Office?

April 14, 2009

When I lived in DC, there was another woman in the office similar in age who had also been a sorority girl. We were in two different chapters, from two different schools, and yet we were like-minded in our fashion choices, social habits, and work styles. Some might have called each of us a ‘mini […]

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