Energize Yourself

by Emily Jasper on January 18, 2009

Energy is a commodity that *cross your fingers* shouldn’t disappear with the rest of your assets as the economy continues to crash. But how do you stay upbeat when things seem to be so bad?

1. Have Energizer Meetings. This is something my team started doing over the past few months. Once a month, we meet (usually around pay day), and talk about everything we’re into. We get to keep tabs on people’s interests outside of work, from books to movies to vacation plans. Even if I’m having the worst day of my work week, these meetings help bring me out of the funk. Not only do we get to talk about fun things, but we build a certain level of comfort within the team. So when the company makes announcements about the future state of the business, and the news doesn’t sound good, you also know that you have a forum for expressing concern. Something that can keep you level-headed at the office, in addition to giving you new motivations.

2. Go Home To Something Fun. I’m young, single, and busy. So I don’t exactly have a pet to welcome me home or a man waiting with dinner on the table after the work day. I work to find my own happy things. These can include One Song Dance Parties, a few games of tennis on my Wii, or even my Christmas tree (yes, I know it’s really time to take it down). There are simple things that can make you happy, and those are the reasons to leave the office when the day is over. Everyone needs these happy moments, kind of like those Dove commercials.

3. Make That Life List. We all know there are things we want to accomplish in our life, but often we make sacrifices and the List falls by the wayside. Or there are those of us who haven’t actually articulated what might be on that list. Now seems like a good time to sit down and make that list. Do it on your own, use another List to get you started, or make a group activity out of it. The thing to remember is that while you may not have the money or means to accomplish everything right now, you may find out that there are some things you can start. Like reading all Jane Austen’s novels or starting a blog.

Everyone needs to happy, and while these things might be a small start, they could make a big difference.

The views expressed in my blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.